One of the things I really like is having ready to play, in scale battle maps for the encounters I have to play. They really bring life to the game. Adding a large 1″ square battle mat to put the maps on, makes room for the time when the battle is larger than you handle.
I have a good example from when we play tested “The Pillars of Light“, and at encounter E8 – The guards of the mine, the elven ranger placed himself out or range from the crossbowmen on the wall, and the picked them off with his longbow while the rest of the party was having a ball.
At the same time, making too small battle maps kills the idea, so it is a delicate balance.
This is a cut from the latest map I just finished for the upcoming adventure “A Sage Tale“. I’ve learned a lot from my new friends back at the dundjinni forum, and with all the fun toys I now have, mapmaking is really fun.

I hope you like this piece of the map.