So, I’ve been playing with GeoControl2 and Vue to try to make good looking mountains, and today we’re gonna see how it went. Remember though that this was my first encounter with GeoControl2 and I’ve don’t have a massive Vue experience either, only had Vue for less than two months now, but it has kept me pretty busy.
A note on Vue and the modules is in place again. For this demo I’m using the EcoSystem module. It is part of some versions of Vue, but not in the entry versions like Frontier. If you are interested in Vue, there are download links in the side bar for a free version from e-on software.
I happened to get a very good price on a new piece of extremely cool software, GeoControl2, an offer I could not refuse and the godfather would have said. To describe it in one sentence, I would say: It’s like a FilterForge for making landscape and mountain formations. And for me who is artistically impaired and cannot draw anything without computerized help (maybe there is a hidden EC fund for us, who knows). Even making good looking mountains in either Bryce which I’ve had since version 2 and now Vue is difficult when you can’t really draw things. I know how you would like it to look, but I fail epically everytime I try to draw something by hand.
OK, a lazy day today, but here are two cool items I’ve rendered in Bryce with models exported from DAZ 3D Studio, plus a scene I rendered in DAZ 3D Studio a while back that I really like.
Today, we won’t be using Dundjinni much at all, so the header is a little misleading, but it is a series and I’ll keep it. We will do some stuff in Bryce and in FilterForge today.
Today, we’re gonna make some final touches to our Eastport map, then I will make something I’ve been thinking of for a long time, which I really saw the need for during this map, more bushes. I will make some using Bryce.
But first, I said I needed some burrows to the south part of Eastport, and I did find a few, made by the very talented Greytale, at Greytake’s nook.
I’m back with making trees in Bryce. Last time, when we were doing the Marda-Zam adventure, I showed you a way to do the alpha masking of trees, and told you I wasn’t very satisfied with the outcome.