
by admin

So, we need houses for the little village we are building, lets go.
I use a basic 3D modeling tool to create most of my props, in this case Cheetah 3D.

Simple flat roof

Adding two planes, and putting them i against each other with a little angle makes the base for our roof.
Next, add some texture and some details to make it look better.

The roof almost done

Now, render the roof top down with not to much field of view (not to much perspecive in the image).
Hmm, what can we have more? To add a little touch to the roof, we create a little roof window, like this:

Building a roof step 3

The roof window is textured and then also rendered top down, it looks like this when we’re done with it:

Building a roof - part 4

Now, we add our roof and the roof window to our map, add some shadows and then smile.

Building a roof - final step


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