Hello again, today we’re gonna play some more with ImageSynth. It is a wonderful toy.

We’re gonna make some more flowers, and some moss today, but the sticky chunk part I did promise yesterday wont happen until some other part, I got so carried away with making flowerbeds, and did not have any goo sticky chunks that looked any good. But I show you how its done anyway.

But, we’re not gonna see this day as wasted anyway.


Starting with two pictures this time, with pretty similar flowers, we’re gonna make one texture out of those flowers. First we select flowers carefully, many smaller chunks seems to be better than a few large, specially when you make multi tiles, but I’ll come back to that in minute.

The result from this is pretty stunning, and remember, where shrinking them down to 200 x 200 later, so any mismatches will be practically invisible as you will see.



The two tiles looks pretty good at the first look, but you the see some mismatches due to sloppy cutting and that I didn’t bother to erase and redo the mismatched parts.


But when you look at this smaller variant, it looks really good.

Now, I did grab some images back at CGTextures.com, some moss.


This is the image I started out with. Now I decided to use the autochunker, but I set it to create 25 chunks at 15% of the original size, and 10 chunks at 20%. The default is 50%, and that works good for making single tiles, but when making multi tiles, you do not want chunks that are so large that they accidentally overwrite your saved border, and destroys the tiling with the previous rendered images. This can still happen, so I try to leave a larger border than the largest chunk to avoid that.


See the selection here is red, that chuck will be place as whole, and not blurred. Keeping in ind what I just wrote, large locked chunks wont work with multi tiles, that why I failed locking the cone in the previous example, it kept ending up at the border, destroying the picture, or it came three cones, not very good either, to have 60% of the tile surface filled with cones.

So, how did this one go then?


This looks pretty good also, ImageSynth is a good tool for things like this. I just have to send a few bugreports, I’ve found some ways to crash it with 100% reproducibility.

Here is a zip with the 200×200 dundjinni sized tiles.

Thats all for today folks!

So, locked chucks.


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