So, I’ve got a secret to share, I’ve upgraded to Cheetah3D 5.0. And have been playing with it a little. It got some nice stuff, like nice metal textures built in, a new Bend modification and a bunch of other stuff. So, today we’re making a sword.
We do not start with a cube today, but with a multi-side polygon frame, that we set to 4 sides.
We size it like this, and then we extrude it.
After extruding the blade, it looks like above.
Now, we use a modification tool to shape the tip.
Now, time for the hilt, ah, the familiar cube we all know and love.
We shape it like this, set a low polygon count, then use the catmul subdivision to give it this smooth shape.
Now, we create a torus, but change the values so it becomes square and sharp instead of soft and round.
Using the boolean operation to remove the toruses from the hilt piece will give us a nice decorative line.
Now for the handle, we make a cylinder, rotate it and size it.
For the handle, we render a nice leather texture in FilterForge.
And here it is, but as you see, the flat blade didn’t come out so well in the renderer.
So, a quick change, remake the blade using a cylinder, we get this result instead:
OK, Maybe the blade is a little too large, but OK for a first try.
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