OK, I will now create some stuff that we can use to populate our common village and town buildings with, things that we call mundane things, nothing fancy, just plain common things. And we start out with making some chests.

First, I create a chest texture filter in FilterForge, as I’ve said before, I cannot paint, but if it can be scripted or programmed, I’m in the game again.

So, this is what I came up with.


A lighter chest texture plus a bump map.


And a darker version with joined planks.

So, lets start Cheetah3D, and create a cylinder, the base of most of my organisms in the map making universe.


Our classic basic cylinder. Now create a texture material based on one of the two textures we have, and apply that to the cylinder, and then shape the cylinder a little like this.


And the camera view in the modeler is used to adjust the texture with the UV mapper.


And we render it, change the material and render again, and again. We then use OmniGraffle to apply some drop shadow, and this is the result:


Three nice mundane chests. Now, lets see one of them in action.


Here is one chest, between two beds in a bedroom, in the mayors house in a village.

I cannot spoil too much, as my players will play this adventure really soon, OK, they have played this part, but I am remaking the maps.


  1. Village on 12.20.2009

    I like this village post and am browsing through your past ones. Great job!…

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