OK, today we’re gonna decorate and preset some tables to be used in maps. It is of cause good to have some naked tables as well, but having some decorated ones makes mapmaking so much easier.

So, we start, as I always do, with FilterForge, and generate some table cloth textures. I have done a handful using a few different filters.


These are very resized (to 10%), from 3000×3000 down to 300×300 pixels.


Here you can see the level of detail these pictures really have when zoomed in on. This is from a 3rd cloth, knitted. But you all knew, didn’t you, that knitting tablecloth was a very common hobby back in the days of fantasy.

OK, now we have some base table cloth, how about some damaged ones too?


Using two different FilterForge filters, one for the two upper, and one for the really damaged on, I got some good ruined tablecloth to place on the tables. We then use OmniGraffle to build the pieces.

This is how the tables looks with tablecloth on:



And a table in a map, looks pretty good…


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