So, we got some new tables, but we got nothing to put on them, except tablecloth. Today, we’re gonna make some simple tableware, or begin with it. It will take a while to make all we need.

So, let’s start Cheetah3D today again, and be creative.


As usual, we start out with one of the basic forms, a cube.  We are going to make a handle to a knife, so we do the standard procedure, shape it and set polygons so the can Catmull-Clark subdivide it to get a smooth edge. Then, we use one of the standard wood textures we have made.


Now, create a Cone object, and make it really tall, then narrow it almost flat, this will be out blade. Then make a copy of the handle, and size it up a bit, and use it to remove a good third if the to be blade, like below. The reason I did this instead of making a new box? None, just lazy, and wanted to show an alternative way of doing things.


Make a small cylinder, like this, that can fit inside the handle.

ta5-04 ta5-05

And now, place the blade where it should be, and we got a knife.


Good looking knife we made. The blade is using a silver high reflection texture, and I used a darker HDRI image. Someone might ask why the blade is pointy, and not rounded as we all know dinner knives are. That is because rounded knives is a fifteens century invention by the French king, who feared he would be assassinated, and ordered his staff to round down the points of all knives used for dinners. And of cause, rounded knives became the highest fashion, as fashion at that time was mostly what the king did, everyone else, who could afford it, tried to do too. Before that incident, you always ate with the same kind of knives that you used for hunting or in the kitchen, there was only one kind of knives, sharp pointy ones.

OK, we need a spoon also, and we’re gonna make a nice plain silver spoon.  This time, we start out with a ball.


We shape the ball like a thin oval, makes a copy of it, and size the copy larger than the original one, like this.


Using Boolean removal, we will get a perfect spoon shape to start with.


Now, create yet another ball, and stretch it like this, we will use this for the handle.


We move the handle so it sits where we want it, then create a box, and use that to cut away the part of the handle that we do not want to have in this end.


Using modifier tools, we narrow down the handle where it will meet the blade of the spoon.


The we use the new tool in Cheetah3D 5, the bender to bend the handle a little.


Adding a silver texture here, and using a little less dark HDRI image, we get this result.


But wait, how many poor farmers could afford to eat with a silver spoon. Remember the phrase “born with a silver spoon“? So, tomorrow, we will make some wooden tableware, which are much more likely to be found in a farmers house.


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