OK, we got some more stuff for the common home coming up, some ideas I’ve developed on the road here, so today, it is cloth, or rolls of cloth.

So, first, we start up Cheetah3D, and make a topdown roll of cloth. We create a cylinder to start with this time.


Now we shape it a little oval. You might notice a similarity with the method used for making chests, and you are right.


OK, we got a shape, now start FilterForge and render some textures.

We use a few different filters, both kilt and knitting and a fur filter I’ve been working on for FilterForge-2.



These two are a knitted and the fur.


We now render a few variants of the cloth rolls, and then we scale then and add some shadow in OmniGraffle.

I once promised filled drawers, and in OmniGraffle we can easily make a few filled drawers using these cloth rolls, and he drawers we did before.


Looks good, and I think we stay here for a while, adding some more mundane stuff.


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