Today we will create a very special piece of furniture, something out of the ordinary, something for the cleric in the temple, a wash basin table for the cleric, to prepare himself for performing his daily work.

So we start Cheetah3D, and create a box.


We shape it like a table surface, and set a low polygon count, you know why by now.


After two rounds of Catmull-Clark subdivision, we rotate the modeling view to bottom view, and add two more boxes, that we shape like long blocks and subdivide them into looking used.


We use ome of the old wood textures we’ve used before to create a material (which I have saved in Cheetah3D already to have it accessible).
Now, we create a cylinder, and position it in the center of the table.


We make a copy of the cylinder first, then we use a Boolean to remove the cylinder from the table surface, and what do we get left, yes a nice round hole.  We take the copy we made, make another copy of that, shrink it, move it up and do the usual remove operation to get a bucket.
We then create a torus, flatten it and size it to fit around the bucket we just made, Boolean them together, and we got a little sink. We add a nice reflective silver texture to the sink.


Now, we create a plane, make it circular and place it in the bucket and add a water texture to it (from Cheetah3D 5s built in procedural textures). We add some distortion to it. I will show that in a later post, I forgot to snap-shot it.

So, the cleric needs a mirror. So, we create a box, shape it like a “mirror”, and copy shrink, and then size the copy so it extends the frame part and then remove it using a boolean.


We now add a second box, shape it like a mirror sliver plate and put it into the frame, giving it a highly reflective silver texture. We got a mirror. We place the mirror “on the wall” behind the washing basin.


Now, we need some decorations, so we crate a cylinder like this.


Now, create two spheres, and shape them flat like a lens. Make one smaller and place it at the top of the cylinder, and a larger at the bottom. Then we use a box and boolean away the lower part of the lower one.


We add a nice golden texture to it, and then create another cylinder to use a candle, with a light yellowish white plain color.


Now, lets put everything together, and add some lights to the candles.


Here we have a nice piece for the cleric.


And here it is in the clerics bedroom in the temple on the village map I am working on.


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