Well, well, well. Back to well making for the villagers wellbeing, multiple puns intended.

So, we open the well file in Cheetah3D, and today we’re gonna add a bucket to the well.

We create a cylinder, clone it, shrink it, you know the drill.


Then, we use a taper tool on our bucket to give it a little rounder shape.


And as always, we need  texture, so we start up FilterForge again, and this time I use my “lacquered wooden floors” filter, which I am pretty proud of.


So, we have texture, now we need a handle, so we create a torus ring, shape it rather thin, and place it so it will be a nice handle on the bucket. Then we use a box and a Boolean to remove the lower half of the torus ring.


We need a texture for this one too, and FilterForge is our tool for that. I use a filter I am still working on, wet rusty iron, and render this texture, with bump map.


So, we got a bucket and a well, and tomorrow we’re gonna finish this up.


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