So, we’re back with the potters wheel today. I’ll stop the chatter and dive straight down to the dirty work.

So, back with Cheetah3D, we open the model from yesterday. But wait, we need a texture for the wheel, so we launch FilterForge, and look for a good sand stone texture filter, which I found.

Now, we create a cylinder, make it flat and place it for the bottom wheel, the wheel that will keep the smaller wheel spinning. We also add the cross bar through which the axis that connects the wheels goes.

We need to cut away the cross bars edges, using the box and boolean standard operation.

Now, we clone the large wheel, size it smaller, move it up and make a Catmull-Clark subdivide to give it a better shape.

We add the axis down, and the foot pedals for pumping the rotation of the wheel by foot.

Time to render,a nd we add a HDRI map so the metal will get this nice and shiny look. After the final render we add some drop shadow using OmniGraffle, and size the item to be about 4 feet wide in the world of Dundjinni.

This was fun, to recreate something real, hope you liked it as much as I did.


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