Today we’re gonna make some fish for the drying rack. This will be fun, as I know what I want, let’s see if I can get it done.

So, first, again, we start FilterForge to make some textures for the dried fish. I need two, one back of the fish, and one with the fish meat. I made these two filters just for this. I know, someone with a little more artistic blood would have painted these textures using Photoshop or Gimp, but I cannot draw, so I have to rely on tools that draw for me.

So, here we have fish meat and fish back textures, good enough for what I want to accomplish.

Now, we start Cheetah3D again, and we create a new Spline object like this:

Now, we use the Lathe tool to make a 360 lathe object using our Spline. Then we create a box and shape it like a small slice, big enough to fit the Lathed spline. We don’t make the cut center, as there are some oddities with polygons from the spline-lathe operation, so we play it safe and cut a little to the side, using a Boolean operation set to intersect.

Now we apply the back texture to one side and the meat to the rest of the sides, not being 100% picky that we get the back pure with back texture, as meat can be seen this way too.

The fish from the back, and below is the fish from the meat side


Now, we need the drying fish to be a little curved, not flat as it has been overrun by a truck, so we use the Bend tool to bend it a little.

So, tomorrow, we’re gonna finish up the fish.


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