As I said yesterday, we’re gonna make some more market stuff today, so let’s get going, before all the Iron dwarves have passed the market and we miss this market opportunity.

We start Cheetah3D again, and use the rotated cube from yesterday, but we subdivide it so we get a many small polygons instead of a few. Then we use the magnet tool to distort it a little, giving it wrinkles so it looks more like cloth and not straight like a military tent.

We then apply a texture, and see that it looks good, using the quilt texture as a test.

Now we render this, and then add another texture, and render from another angle, to avoid the everything looks the same problem.

We compose two more interesting market stands in OmniGraffle, and here they are:

Now we got four market items, but I feel I need to make a few more before I am satisfied, so first, we need a new cloth with a pattern I did not find, so I have to make a filter for it, and that will we do tomorrow.


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