Today weare going to create some other market things, like tables and other items we will need. We start with a table.

So, start Cheetah3D, and create a box. I fast forward this as you all know this pretty well by now, and new readers I recommend to read some older posts.

Now, shape that box as a plank, and copy it and move the copy and place it beside the first one, leaving a small gap. make five copies like that. Then, make a sixth copy, rotate it 90 degrees, make it smaller and place it under the five planks, and make another one like that. You should have this when you are done.

Now, we apply one of our wood texture to this, adjusting the UVs for each plank so they look a little different. As you can see, I’ve changed 3 out of five planks here.

And this is how the table look from another angle. No legs this time, not needed as we wont make a tipped over table, and if we do, we can add legs later on.

We render this out with three different woods, to get three different tables. You could use Photoshop or something similar to manipulate the colors to make them look different, but you would then still have the same structure of the wood. Here are three market tables.

Now, we create a new document in Cheetah3D, I’m gonna do this the way they do it in games this time, but with a twist. So, create a new box, and shape it like a table surface. Then we add a texture with the look of wooden logs to it, you will remember this one, I’ve used it many times before. We set the polygons to about 30x30x30, so we can magnet it nicely.

We adjust the UVs, and then we go into magnet mode and do some destruction to it.

So, looks a little worn and twisted now. So, we start FilterForge, and generate a table cloth for this table, an old filter but with new colors.

Now, we select the polygons on the table where we want the cloth to be. The selected polygons are tinted in red.

So, we now add the cloth texture to the object, then adjust UVs with the selection only checkbox checked.

And this is what it looks like when shadows are added.

Tomorrow, we’re gonna make some grain bags me thinks.


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