So, we’re gonna make the DM map, and write info on all important points on the map, so our DM will know how to run the adventure.


So, this is what we will write in the map description for DM to be able to get a god picture of the setting.


  1. The hallway, very crowded with people who wants to got in or out, and those who want to fetch a refill from the kegs here with free beer.
  2. The bar. Micklos the bartender works here and serves some of the more expensive wines and beers, also a crowded space.
  3. The stairs that leads up to level one guestrooms and down to the cellars. The escape-route (the dashed arrow), leads to the cellar stairs.
  4. The restaurant, where the guests who do not fancy Bladdish, or those who are just hungry can eat some of the very good foods from the menu. The todays special is roasted chicken with turnips and mushroom sauce.
  5. The kitchen, worked by the master chef, a wide bellied halfling with the name of Harley Beltbuster. Yes, he does live up to that name.
  6. The lounge, a crowded place where people mingle and drink, waiting for a Bladdish seat to be free.
  7. The table where the PCs will be sitting when the adventure begin.
  8. The table where some of the attackers are  located, and from where they put the smokes and the crackers into the fireplace.
  9. The ballroom, for this special occasion, it has been turned into a large dormitory.


The Bladdish Table

The table have at least 3 persons except the PCs sitting around it.

  1. The huge pumpkin. A man, doesn’t speak so much, has a little accent, seems to be from out of town. (This is one of the attackers).
  2. The tree with yellow birds on the branches. A man with a local accent. He has been drinking a lot, and has a quite high pitrched, almost squeaky voice. Tosses coins into the bucket on the table yelling -”This one is on me. Happy Marda-Zam! Cheers!” (This is a rather wealthy local merchant )
  3. The ostrich with a pink tail. A man, rather silent, lisping. (This is one of the attackers).

That’s all for today, tomorrow we’re gonna continue a little with the backyard map, this is about map making mostly.


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