So, back to some map making then. This time, we’re gonna look how our dark backyard turned out, in full.

I did some small changes to it, so it would fit on two papers, nicely, which is the estate footprint I think we must set for this map.

This is how it looks when it comes rendered from Dundjinni (as usually I have optimized the graphics for the web, meaning it has lost a lot of its details, but you get the idea. )


Now, we run a pretty little sweet FilterForge filter on the map, called MapClouds. I’ve modified the filter somewhat, to be able to adjust the opacity of the cloud shadows, but in this case I run it with almost opaque cloud shadows, the result is pretty good I think.


This feels rather dark and a lot more scary. You can click on the images to ge a larger view of it, still 72 dpi though, and small to avoid too much network traffic.  I will post the maps, together with the adventure, when it is all done.

So, what should we do tomorrow, I think we should wrap up the opening scene, and stat out some baddies. This is the hardest part, as you cannot use anything that WotC has IP on (Intellectual Property), which is almost anything in the game, so you need to invent your own monsters or use bad guys that have prior art, like bandits. In the original adventure, the attackers were tieflings, but I think I’ll make them humans this time, but we’ll see tomorrow. Also, we need to define which areas are needed for real battle maps.


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