
by admin

Today, I’ve got an interesting request for something I hadn’t thought of before, but is really something I need for my taverns. ProBono at Dundjinni Forum has made a very nice cider press, but needed some flagons for it. I took the challenge.

So, this is the picture he had found of old flagons.

I decided to go for the ones without the basket weave, I can make a few basked weaved later on, if I like.

So, we start up Cheetah3D, and start to draw a Spline for our flagon.

We use the Sweep tool to sweep it 360 degrees.

Now, we create a Torus ring, shape it a little oval, and then a box to remove the unwanted parts of the to be handle.

We need s second remove operation, as the flagon is not a straight line bottle, but curved.

And then we move the handle into place. We make a copy of the flagon, and attach the handle to the copy, and make a cork. So, now we got two types of flagons, with and without a handle, and we got a cork, which we render separately, later.

Using some different colors directly within Cheetah3D, we get a bunch of flagons, that looks really good. Having a little reflection in the texture, we get that glazed look.

So, those will fit perfectly on the shelf in the next bar I make.


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