So, hopefully my The Neverending Tavern will be ready for sale soon, and I like the idea, and so does people I talk to, so much that they all say more, more, more!. So, I will now continue this series with a second installment, The Neverending Inn – tavern expansion.

So, today, we’re gonna make an indoor fire bowl, to keep those guests in the common dormitory warm. As we have -25c ( about -13f ) here and it have fallen about 4 feet of snow this winter, heat is something I think of every day when I walk the dogs.

So, we start Cheeath3D, and make a ball.

We cut away half of it using a box and a boolean remove.

Then we make a copy, shrink it, move it up, you know this routine by now.

Now, we remove the copy, and w got a bowl. We create a cylinder, and place it in one corner of the grid, at the edge of the bowl, and adjust it to a 10 degrees angle outwards.

Now we copy that one and put one in each corner, using side view to adjust positions.

Now, we need s rusty metal texture, and I’ve been playing around with one in FilterForge that you might have seen before, so I render one out, a little brighter that normal, and a bump map when we’re at it.

Now, we add a circular place, use the magnet to rough it up, and add our favorite burning coal texture to it.

Now, we open OmniGraffle, and add this image, plus some other goodies, the old firewood we made, some fire and smoke, and a texture for a stone floor.

We make circle object and set the stone texture to it, and put it in the lowest layer.

So, we’re half way here in OmniGraffle, now we add everything else, and the result looks good.

And here it is, in use.

As you can see, I have a different floor on this set, to make it easier to see what pieces goes with what, but it will intermix.

So, now you know what you can expect, inn stuff and presets.


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