Today I’m gonna try something that I’ve been eager to test, change the color/texture of an object using a filter in FilerForge. Someone at the Dundjinni forum, had a statue and wanted it more stone like.

This was the original image made by probono upon a request:

So, first we extract the alpha channel using an Get Alpha component, and we also extract the hue using a Extract HLS component.

Now, we create a fast stone texture by connecting a Tiles component to a Noise Distortion component. We just want simple stone, nothing fancy here at all.

Now we add some streaks of white to the stone, using a Perlin Noise component where we control the Profile using a Wave. Sending the output from the Noise Distortion as Background for the Perlin Noise.

Now we use the very versatile Threshold component, where we use the Hue from the image as Source, and set the High to the stone tetxure, and Low to black.

This is the setup of the Threshold component.

Now we use the Set Alpha component to set the alpha channel back to what the original image had.

And the final result:

I think this one was fun.


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