Good to be back for some good old mapmaking.
I think I will use OmniGraffle for this map, just to show you a different technique. OmniGraffle is not a map making software, but a pretty generic but very powerful object oriented drawing tool, for Mac OS X. I have no clue what you might use on Windows that works the same way?
This is how the cellar map looked in the original adventure.


We’re gonna make this map look real nice, using some of many different techniques.

First, we set up OmniGraffle to with a two page layout, out map budget for this map, and then we set it to handle the grid.


Now, we use our artistic freedom and draw the map, trying to set the stairs in a location that will nicely map with the ground floor stairs. We draw the outline of the cellar as one multi-line object. This way we can fill it with wall texture in a simple way.


This is out basic cellar outline, fitting two pages. Tomorrow, we’re going to add some textures to the wall and floors, and add some shadows.


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