I told you I had an idea, and that is quilted blankets. So we will make a few beds with that as well.

So, we start FilterForge and render three quilt textures using the quilt filter I’ve used before. Here are three different colored quilt textures, red, green and blue.

So, start up Cheetah3D again and open the bunk bed file. We now change the blankets to have quilt textures, and render three more beds.

They do look a least as good at the knitted ones I must say. Now, how will it look in the Tavern? I decided to make a Hobbit section in the inn, placed under ground, much like The Prancing Pony.

Here are some of the rooms, and the stairs leading up to the tavern. As you can see, halflings or Hobbits can be housed much more efficient 😉

And here is the part where I used the quilt versions of the bunk beds.

So, the Neverending Inn – Tavern expansion is coming along just fine.


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