Now that we have some metal boxes, I counted that I rally made 11 different ones over the past 3 days. First, the one i FilterForge, then the two in Cheetah3D that I added dirt to in OmniGraffle, then four boxes with textures from CGTextures (of which I showed you two), and the last four comes in two flavors, opened or closed.

So, now its time to put them to good use, and what would be a better use than make a few merchant desks.

But first, I realized I do not have any inkers or quills. I found a set of good quills made by Supercaptain at the Dundjinni forum, but inkers, not any good ones.

So, let’s start up Cheetah3D again, and make one. First, we make a Spline by placing some dots for the outline of our inker.

Then we Sweep this outline, and do some Catmul-Clark subdivision to it to make it smoother.

I then use a cylinder and a cone to Boolean remove the center and widen the opening. We use a class texture for the inker, but we place it on a plate that I made the same way as a few days before. For the plate, I use a few different metal textures, playing with the bump map to make one of them look hammered. At last, we place a black cylinder inside the inker, the ink.

Here are two different  inkers, I really like that hammered copper plate, I think I’ll make a whole set of those one day. I also realized I need some papers piles for my desks, so using a few paper textures, I made paper stacks in OmniGraffle. The jaggy edges is because I enlarged them to make them viewable on the web.

And here are two desks, using some of Bogies tables to build the desks, and some random other items found at the Dundjinni forum to add some spice.

I think these desks add some real flavor to the stores, and as always, an action shot from an actual store.

I will keep doing store related things, stay tuned.


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