
by admin

As the stores are coming along nicely, I constantly need new objects and new things for them, so they all are different and unique. Today, we’re gonna make a store sign and an entrance, for a store that doesn’t just have a staircase from the door down to the store itself.

We start with the sign, so we start  Cheetah3D and make a cylinder.

We reshape is as a pole and rotate it 90 degrees, and add a box that we shape like  pole too. Using a modified version of the built in old wood procedural texture.

And after adding a nice bronze top and a sign, here it is in a top down view:

Now, we’re gonna make the balcony, so we start with rendering a staircase in FilterForge

Then, we use an old porch rail I made a long time ago, in Cheetah3D.

We also reuse the wood columns I did the other day, and render a floor in FilterForge.

So, here it is, and below is a picture from the store.

As you can see, I have another store sign on this store, but the sign we made is used for another store. We also added a little step outside, with another stone texture.


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