Today we’re gonna finish the staff making marathon by using another idea I got. It started with a cool filter I found for FilterForge.

But, first I made some staffs using Cheetah3D, the same techniques as yesterday, but I fixed the head so it would be possible to add a ball using a 2D image program, OmniGraffle.

I started with making a  new wood texture in FilterForge.

Then I made the staff in Cheetah, fixing the head to fit a ball. Below are three of the different renders I did.

Now, I modified a filter for FilterForge to render the energy balls in a transparent background. Here are three energy balls.

Now, composing this in OmniGraffle, I got three pretty cool new staffs to my collection.

More magic staffs, the wizards will be pleased, to bad they are all out of charges.


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