Making docks, I need boats. And I have some boats and canoes from before, but I feel I need some new boats, and this is what I will make today.

First, I start to model one in Cheetah3D. I started with a Cylinder, that I cut in half using Boolean remove and a box. Bow, to create a nice rounded stern, I create a huge cylinder, and I then use a Boolean A inside B , to round that stern by the shape of the huge Cylinder.

As you can see, it worked very well.

Now I do the same kind of operation using a huge Cone, to create a nicely shaped bow for the boat.

After some more Boolean operations, and a classical copy-shrink-move-remove operation, I got this model.

First, I just added a texture I used for tavern tables to the hull. and then made some benches using boxes and the cottage wood texture.

But I wasn’t happy with the hull texture, so I decided I’ll use a simpler texture, a wood log texture. I rendered this one in FilterForge with a filter I downloaded a long time ago.

Now, the boat looks like this, straight ot of Cheetah3D. I didn’t bother with UV-Mapping this time, I could have, but I didn’t wanna spend all that time.

And when placed on a tile, with water and a jetty, it looks like this:

his one looks good, and you can see I also use my ropes I made for the Westport map.


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