So, today we’re gonna add some interesting items to the crane we are building.

So, back into Cheetah3D again. First, the top bars that will hold the pole should be tied together with rope, so I create a little box that I shape to it will look nice with a rope texture on it.

I start FilterForge and use my rope texture filter, and rendered this texture.

Adding the rope texture to the box, and UV-map it correctly, and it does look good. Also, I changed the texture on those wooden bars so they would be an interesting detail. The rope does look good here.

Now I created a cylinder for the “hamster wheels”. The perspective skewing is from the modeler.

I now created another cylinder, that I later shape to be the rim of the wheel.

Now, back into FilterForge again to render a wooden floor texture for the wheel, I made it not square to avoid too much repeat.

And then I added the bars (safety bars I guess, even in the fantasy world, slaves were expensive ).

And here is a snap shot render from todays progress.

As you can see, it is really beginning to look good. So, tomorrow we will wrap this up.


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