Now, we’re gonna make something big again, we’re gonna make a Burgundian wine press. This started when my dad were down to visit my relatives there, and emailed me a nice photo of an old wine press.

So, we start up Cheetah3D and start to model. We start off with a box, that we make long. We will use this to the base of the press.

We copy it and place the copies like this:

Now, we start up FilterForge to create a nice rough wooden texture using one of the many good wood filters available. This is the diffuse map.

And this is the bump map.

We place this texture on the wooden blocks we just made, then we map the UVs so that every block looks a little different.

Now we create a new block from a box, but make this a little more of a plank, a little thinner, and we place six of them side by side with a little gap between them.

We use the same wood texture on those, adjusting the UVs accordingly.

And here is a topdown render of the model so far.

OK, this may not look like much, but it will, when we are done.


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