Now, we are getting close with out Burgundian wine press, very close. This is our final day.

We start today with playing with yet another filter in FilterForge, a rusty metal filter. In the picture, there is a large iron pole with a screw thread that is the basis for the whole pressing. I want tha one to be a little rusty. Here is a diffuse map.

And here is the bump map.

And, the ambient occlusion map, that make it all look very nice, as it is a map of what parts shadows each other in the diffuse map.

Now we open Cheetah3D, and add that pole, ignoring the fact that it should have a screw thread, as it won’t be visible top diwn anyway and it is a pain to create.

Now we need that top, that is screwed down to increase the pressure, so we go into side view, and create a simple spline.

We use the sweep to convert that spline to a 360 degree model object, and it looks good, just needs some sizing and final touch.

This is how it looks with a metal texture.

Now, more FilterForge, as we need a texture for the actual pole, that you operate the press with. This is what we got, the diffuse map.

And as usual, a bump map.

We create a cylinder for the operating pole, and place that pole like this. We add the texture to it as well.

But, we need the connection to look more realistic. So we crate a pile.

We shape it and place it on the edge of the pole, and give it that old rusty metal texture as well.

Now, we group, those last parts, and then we rotate them so the operating pole is not in a perfect angle.

And here it is, our Burgundian wine press.

I really hope you enjoyed this. I think it was fun anyway.


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