What now? I did that wine press, but I know I do not have use for it right now, maybe later on. I’m still working with The Neverending Docks, and I need something more useful. I’ve done two stone bridges, so let’s make one of those fragile rope bridges that Hollywood likes so much.

We start off by opening Cheetah3D, and we make ourself a cylinder.

Now we stretch it  a little, like a pole, and copy it and place one in each corner of our imaginary bridge. We got to start somewhere, and poles are as good as anything.

Now, we need a wood texture for those poles, and I use the built in old wood texture in Cheetah3D, which I modify slightly, like this.

Now, I create another cylinder, and make that a rope that stretch all the way from pole pair one to pole pair two. Then, I use the bend tool to make that rope get a little slack.

We jump into FilterForge to create a rope texture, and a tweak the settings a little to get this one.

Now, we create a torus ring, size it to fit the pole exactly, and make it the same thickness as the rope. We rhen copy it some times to make it look like the rope have been twisted around the pole.

This is our fundamental layout of the bridge now.

And this is a render.

It does not loom like much of a rope bridge yet, but it will soon, I promise.


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