What is it with wine presses? Ok my dad kept sending me pictures of wine presses since I started to work on the Burgundian one, so here is another, based on an old picture, probably Egyptian.

This is the picture, it doesn’t say much, but it shows that they pressed grapes by wrapping them into some kind of cloth material, then turning it to squeeze the juices out, I’ll go with that.

So, start up Cheetah3D, we start by making the bowl that collects the grape juice, so we create a ball.

We make it smooth by setting 90 polygons around, and then we make a copy of it, and do the move, resize, and Boolean remove operation, to get this.

But, I think the edges are too thin, so we need to fix those a little, with a box and another boolean remove.

After the edges have been cut down, it looks much better.

Now, we need a texture for this, a wood texture is what I though, so I use the built in wood generator and modify it a little.

Now, we make the base of the press, and we need a texture for that too, and this time I’ll use my newest FilterForge filter as it is really good at making wood floors.

The diffuse map

And the bump map. We apply to the floor, but as you can see, we need to map the UVs, otherwise it will look stupid.

Here I have rotated the UV for the side polygons texture 90 degrees, and it looks really good now.

So, end if the day, here is a render of todays work.

As you can see, I have only camera light and no distant light on, that will be only in the final render.


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