I made this mine upon an art request at the Dundjinni forum, and now I see that it fits perfectly with my newly born interest in making some modern map stuffs for Operation: Fallen Reich. I’m already planning to create a few adventures.
This is the picture that was posted on Dundjinni forum.
So, we start Cheetah3D and get to work. First, we create a ball, this will be the body of the mine.
Now, we create a cylinder, and flatten it like a coin.
Now, we create a spline object, a hexagon.
We extrude the spline, then create a cylinder and put inside it. We join those two objects with a Boolean, and call it a bolt.
Using the Ring modifier we create a ring of bolts on the flat cylinder.
Now, we create a few cylinders more and add to the trigger device.
We taper the long whip so it looks more pointy.
Now we start FilterForge to create a rust texture with my rust filter. We make a darker rust texture for the trigger devices.
Using the Ring operation, we create a ring of the triggers around the mine body.
Now we need another, slightly lighter rusted texture for the mine body, so we make one.
And here it is, a sea mine. I know, it is a little sloppy, but the whole operation from reading the post saying “OK, I’ll give it a shot” to “here it is” took about 30 minutes modeling, texture rendering, shadow rendering, which was also done afterwards in FilterForge.
Beware, it might just turn your character into a physical schizophrenic, with many personalities.
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