Today, we’re gonna work on a handout I will need for the game, I will not say too much about it, as I guess a few of those who are reading here might end up, playing the adventure, but it will not be a spoiler, I promise.

We start with Cheetah3D, making a box that we bevel to look like this. I actually changed the design a little at the end, but the basic design was this.

As this is a machine, built in the pulp era, it should have that classic painted metal casing, so I quickly made a filter in FilterForge to make this texture.

Now, the inspiration for all this is a filter by Carl, that is so incredible cool, if you know where to use it, it is called total control, and this is what I got from it. Can you imagine creating something like this by hand? This is the ultimate pulp electronic machine maker. Remind me to use it for the Bletchley park whenever I will make a map or a handout for that.

Now, into FilterForge and find some filters that can generate floor, walls and ceilings that look like they are somewhere ancient, somewhere underground.

So, a nice floor diffuse map.

And a floor bump map

And some walls.

And a wall bump map. So, ready to mock up something in Cheetah3D, for this photo to be as realistic as possible.

Here is a render from the scene, with some lights here and there. Now, back to FilterForge and that old photo filter, giving me this perfect handout for the brave adventurers to gasp at.

So, what can I say? Thank you Carl for that wonderful filter, which inspired me to make this handout, which will spice up the game. Now I just need a few handwritten notes in German…


  1. Pappa on 05.27.2010

    Achtung! Lebensgefahr!
    Geheime hochspannungsgenerator!

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