I needed some maps, or photographs of some cool locations during the period just before world war II, in Britain. That is rather hard to come by I think, so I decided to use some naughty tricks, and Google Maps

First, I needed a submarine base, and I needed some buildings in corrugated metal, that had the same structure as a hangar. I found this filter i  FilterForge, very nice indeed.

Now, I started Cheetah3D, and created cylinder. Then I started to find a way to map the texture so it looked as good as possible.

Realizing this is from a great height, the texture has to be very small.

And here is the building, top down, a quick one.

I also needed a gun, and a I mean a gun, naval gun, not some kind of handgun, this is serious stuff. SO I made this from two cylinders and a darker steel texture, with an HDRI image.

Now, Google Maps to find some nice spots (which I had already found, close to the town of Blyth). Here is a recent picture of the Blyth fort, from Google maps. Now, I add the gun in OmniGraffle.

And then I use the Old Photo filter to make it look old.

This could really be a recon photo from 1939.

Now, here is the Blyth port where once a submarine base was located.

And here is the 1939 recon photo over the same area, created using this photo, OmniGraffle and FilterForge.

Never believe photos you see that are said to represent real WWII things, unless you know they really do. I love this trickery.


  1. Filters To Make Photos Look Old | Pafos Photos on 04.20.2011

    […] filter to make it look old 4eyes.code66.se […]

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