So, making that speed governor as picture for the adventure made me wanna make the complete engine, so I could make a map of the submarine engine room, so I decided to try it.

So, what is the basic structure of a marine diesel engine? It is built from many cylinder blocks, so I decided to make the engine using the same technique I developed making those radiators before.

So, Cheetah3D, time to wake up, and create a box.

Now, I just adjust the edges a little to get a base engine part to work with.

I create a cylinder, and set the polygon count rather high as this one will have to bend, bend a lot.

First I bend one end, much like the shover pipe I did, to 90 degrees.

Then I bend the other end aslo to 90 degrees.

And I got a exhaust pipe for the cylinder block. I rotate it and stick it onto the block.

I Boolean join the two objects, then I create a cube and rotate it slightly and Boolean join that to the block too.

I add a small cylinder  on the other side, just to make it look good (I have a certain feel for how this will look, I promise).

Now, I start with a built in metal texture, but add some different dirt and bump areas, this is the first test of the texture.

And here is a top down view of one engine cylinder block.

OK, this really doesn’t look as much, but tomorrow maybe.


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