I’m back!

First, I want to thank you all for being patient while I’ve been doing other things, like painting the cottage, fishing, or ruining my graveyard tan.

So, now we’re gonna make some objects again, that I might later use for something. It all started when I found a new cool filter for FilterForge, Ancient Border by CFandM.

So these are the textures that woke me up.

I made two variants, and I think they are really good. Now, I though I need some mosaic tiles for the upper and lower parts of the pillar, and while in FilterForge, I used one of the default filters shipping with every FilterForge, decorative Tiles by Vlad himself.

So, now I got textures, so start good old Cheetah3D for a ride.

We start with a Cylinder object.

We set the polygon count to  30 vertical and 60 around, too detailed but good enough for what we will do.

Now we stretch it to pillar size, like this

I’m gonna leave you hanging there until tomorrow, having all the pieces of the puzzle, trying to figure out what I will make of it.


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