So, the carpet dealers carpets are done, so what can we more need for a market? I got an idea at the cottage, a grindstone, so this will be the next object project for the market.

So, we start up our deer friend Cheetah3Dand get to work, creating a cylinder.

We set the polygon count to about 8 lengthwise, and 90 around, and we size it a little smaller, then we Catmull-Clark subdivide it to give it a rounder bevel.

Now, we start FilterForge, and use the Sandstone filter to create a surface for our grindstone. This is the texture map.

Now, we create a material of the texture map and apply it to the grinding stone.

OK, what’s up next? We need the rather think round chunk of wood to hold the grinding stone in place. so we create another cylinder.

So, we have the stone in place, but we need the wooden water basin that will keep the grinding stone wet, as you cannot grind with a dry stone. We create a box.

Using edge mode, we can select edges and move them, first we narrow the box.

Then we shape it a little wider at the top. We hide the grinding stone so it wont be in the way when we work with the box.

Now, we make a copy of the grinding stone, and make that copy a little larger, just a few percent larger.

Curious? Tomorrow I will show why I just did that last operation. I hope you have enjoyed it so far.


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