What would a market in he middle east be without cloth merchants?
Yeah, I guess you realize that it would not be at all, so I decided to make some new, better rolls of cloth today.

Jump into Cheetah3D, and create a cylinder.

Then make it a little flatter, and stretch it.

To test our idea, we first use an old texture that was made with a FilterForge filter and used a few times before. We UV map it as a cylinder mapping.

Now, we create a plane for the unwrapped piece that the customers will touch and feel. Very good silk quality my friend, best in town, cheap cheap, good price for you.

We subdivide the plane so we can play with it a little.

We select a few polygons, then lift them up a little, for a bulge.

We do the same thing at the edge, in two steps. Then we wrinkle the other corner a little.

And here are two rolls based on this first design, but there will be more.

Frequent readers will recognize the pattern from before, both are rendered with a filter, forgot which one.


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