Yesterday I promised more rolls of cloth, and here we go.

First, we start FilterForge and create some more different cloth textures using different filters. This one looks very Persian to me.

And a more abstract pattern.

And flowers, with a filter I happened to make by mistake. I was trying to create branch knots for a wood texture when I got those roses, so I decided to make a filter out of them.

Now we go into Cheetah3D, and reuse our cylinder from yesterday, but make a new plane.

We move one of the corners to make it look to be diagonally cut. Then we subdivide the resulting polygon so we can make it a little bumpy.

Here we made a larger bump, then made a Catmull-Clark subdvision to smooth it out. This is one of many different unwrapped pieces I made. I want the different rolls to look different to avoid the “this looks all the same” problem.

Here is one render, as you can see I got the corners rounded, so I only used this model for a few rolls. I realized to late I should only have Catmull-Clark subdivided the bulge, not all polygons. The pattern from one of Mardars filters.

And here is another roll, where I used an almost flat piece and straight cut, only a little lifted in the corner.

And at last today, he persian pattern on one of yesterdays model.

This starts to be a good collection.


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