Today we’re gonna fix the grinder’s stand, where you can get your knives and axes sharpened.

But first we start FilterForge to play with a filter I did a while back but never polished. I finally found a way to make money with FilterForge, or maybe not.

Here is a pile of copper and small silver coins.

And here are a few larger coins, gold and silver or something similar.

Now we use OmniGraffle to assemble the grinder’s stand, and first of all, we give him a basket with his money. I will have to create a few silhouette figures , like a head, a crown, two swords, all in FilterForge, then I can release this filter to the public.

Now when we got this great money basket, we can concentrate on the rest. I modify a dirt filter from FilterForge 1 and use a shape to make it blur in the outer end.

And another dirt.

Now we assemble it, adding a few items from my repository, like axes, a sickles, a stool and a table.

And when we place it on the market, it looks like this

You can see how much dirt he has spread on the ground.


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