We got more things to do with those trapdoors, or more correctly more different things to do, so we can then render multitudes of them.

So, first today, we start FilterForge and use my little old cottage filter to render another trapdoor wood, painted in red this time. First the texture map.

Thne the normal map.

No we create a ball, setting the outer polygon count to 4. This looks really stupid, I know.

Now, using a box we can Boolean remove the lower part of the “thing” we just created.

We hide the other bolt kit, and place this new one as bolts, or large nails.

Rotating each this time too. Now we can render some more different trapdoors. First one without hinges.

Then one with the new nails we made, and a rusty pull ring.

If you want to grab the whole shebang, visit this thread at the Dundjinni forum. I hope you liked this revisit.


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