So, today we will finish the fireplace.

So, back into Cheetah3D again and create a box that we shape to the shape of the opening of the fireplace.

We use a Boolean remove to cut out the place to burn things in. But, We need a better texture for that, so I used my FilterForge brick filter. Here is the texture map.

and here is the Normal map (that I had to compress a little so it might not be as great as uncompressed.

Now, I use my old sot it filter to add some sot and dirt to the stones.

We set that texture to the fire place hole, and add some bright orange light inside it. Then we add two planes with copper texture as open doors, and some granite as the shelf where you put stupid things.

And here it is, in he corner of the map (so I won’t reveal any secrets)

I know the ceramics looks a little odd, but a round fire place would look out of place. We can just say this is a sloppy fire place builder who built it.


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