I’ve decided to make something really difficult, something I’ve never tried before, I will try to make a car model of a vintage car, the Morris Commercial Van model 1930.

I found this picture that I though gave me a pretty good idea how it looks.

So I decided to give it a go using Cheetah3D, and see where I would land. First, I will create some wheels for it.

Starting with a Cog, that we extrude, we get this.

Now, we create a pipe that we size to surround the extruded cog.

We copy this pipe and enlarge the copy just a little.

We union the three objects into one.

Now, we create a torus ring for a tire, and to cut away the inner side of the ring, we use a cylinder.

Now, we set a procedural built in car paint texture, black, on the wheel, and a built in rubber like texture to the tire.

Looks good for a days work. I will continue this, stay tuned.


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