As I’m working on the adventure “Wicked Times: London Calling” for Operation:Fallen Reich, which has the London Underground as a place of fun, I needed some new railroad tracks. I’ve used Carls FilterForge filter before, but I though it was time to make them i 3D.

So, we start up Cheetah3D, and make a Box, that we flatten like a slice of a cube.

We use the Taper tool on the block to change its shape a little.

Now we create a Cylinder and make it a little oval, before we place it on top if the block.

We then join the objects, and then we create a box that surrounds it, almost, and use the Boolean intersect operation.

Now we add another box, make it flat and place it below the current object, and join the together with a Boolean.

A slice of railway tracks. Now we stretch the rail, copy it and place the two copies side by side. We then create a stretched box and use an Array to multiply it, wo got sleepers.

We use a built in steel texture on the rails, and a modified built in wood texture for the sleepers.

Now, all we need are nails, big railroad nails, so we create a box, make it about half height and set division to 4.

We Catmull-Clark subdivide it, and place it in position, using the Array to multiply it.

And here it is, a railroad track made in Cheetah3D.

This looks great, too great, we need it to be more worn and rusty. Stay tuned for the next episode.


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