So, today is the big day, we’re gonna take on the warehouse in the docks. I will make that map in Dundjinni too, but first, I decided to create wood walkway texture for the dock walkway, in FilterForge. I have a filter that creates pretty nice wood planks that looks different from each other, so I use that filter, and the result looks like this.


OK, what do we need on the docks? There are many things that we could use to make the docks look really pretty.
Bogie has made some nice rope coils, and we need those things you tie the boats to, in wood of cause, so we fire up our favorite  3D render program, Cheetah3D and make something.

So, we start out by creating a cylinder, like this.


Then we make a copy of that cylinder, rotate the copy 90 degrees, and scale it, so it looks like this. I will not join the two objects into one, and I will explain later why.


Now, this looks way to polished new and machine made to fit our fantasy city dock, so we use the modify tool (Magnet in Cheetah 3D), to give it some destruction, until ut looks like this.


Now, texture time. First, we need a good top down wood texture for the center piece, and I use the built in wood texture generator of Cheetah for that, as it produce really good rings. Modify the default one just to make it look a little natural by adding some noise to the rings, and set a little light color on the wood and a little darker on the rings.

Then for the cross bar, I use a wood texture I’ve rendered earlier in FilterForge with the Wood filter that comes with every installation, this is very good.

Now, in the Cheetah edit window, it looks like this:


And when I’ve rendered it, added some shadows and scaled it, the final piece looks like this.


OK, do you remember the gradients we used for the stairs, that we applied using OmniGraffle to the map?
I’ve decided to create a few of those and install them into Dundjinni, so here they are: (snag them if you like them)


Now, we will apply those in Dundjinni to our docks outside the abandoned warehouse. Then we’re adding some barrels, crates and other things. I will put together a few Dundjinni friendly dock presents.


The three dock presents can be downloaded here. There items comes from many sources, like aegean, greytale to mention a few.

So, this is a small piece of the docks, looking good so far.
Tomorrow we’re gonna continue with the docks.


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