Today we’re gonna expand a little in the engine room a little on the promised Land.

Today we start out in Cheetah3D to make another engine part. We start with  Box that we set to 3x3x3 polygons.

Now we decrease the size of the top polygons by selecting them all and them make them smaller. This will create a cut off pyramid like shape of the top.

Now time for textures, and guess what, I will make them in FilterForge today also. This filter is called battleship plating, and it suits well for the use I want for it. First the texture map.

Then the bump map.

Now we make 4 copies of the block we just made. and Apply the texture to them, UV map them a little differently. I still such on UV-mapping, why does it have to be so difficult? I need to find a good tutorial on this. I’ve tried but haven’t found any good ones. If anyone knows a good UV-map tutorial, please tell me.

Here is a topdown render, good enough if you don’t look too close.

And here we place the core drive units inside the engine room using OmniGraffle. This starts to look like a spaceship to me. I also added some diamond plate floor. The grease monkeys need somewhere to dig down into the oil and get dirty.

I think this ship is coming along nicely.


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