We’re still working with that prison cell bench in Cheetah3D and today we’re going to add the wall support that will prevent it from falling or behave like a swing.

We create a Box with a 2x2x2 polygon subdivision.

We select and remove some polygons so we get this.

Now we add some new polygons so we get this look.

W now select edges and then shape the object into an L-shape, like this.

If you look i  the corner, it looks like this, which is an unnecessary polygon too much. Always remove unneeded polygons and try to make it use triangles as some render programs are better when meshes are tri- and not quadgons. Here I select the two lines, and simply delete them.

Then I use the Scalpel tool and add a new line like this.

This isn’t rocket science but I wanted to show it as I like the simplicity in Cheetah3D when doing things like that. Are you curious how it will look when it’s done?



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