So, warehouse day, finally. This warehouse is where the Nesting mattress will be dropped of after it has been given the orders to kidnap the Baroness and bring her here.
The warehouse is abandoned, the owner dies a while back, and stuff still here is slowly decaying. The PCs might find one or two useful items among the trash.

So, first, we take a look at the dirty pile where the Baroness body is hidden, and the empty crate in which the Nesting mattress was shipped.


The crate still has some notes on it, that reveals that it has arrived with the ship Ambroilla. This is a clue for the PCs.


This is the other corner, with the pile of broken beds and also a pile of creates with rotten fruit, barrels with over yeasted mead, and wine that could be used to wash the tar of your face after being on the docks too long.


At the other end of the warehouse, the end that is closer to the docks, there is a second storage level, with one ladder like stair up in each end. The one in this end is in pretty bad shape. As you can see, several crates and barrels, overgrown with cobwebs.

We also need the ship Ambroilla, for that part of the adventure, and now we have a nice piece of dock, lets make it. There are a few techniques that you can use to create ships in Dundjinni, and one is to draw the aft using the curve tool, and draw the outline of the ship with a wooden wall texture.


This is a piece of the aft of the ship, looks good to me, good enough anyway.

About textures, tomorrow I will reveal a secret FilterForge filter that I’ve created to create Dundjinni tiles that tile seamless but still look different to avoid the tiles look that we have on the board walk on this map. The ship-deck here is created with that filter. Compare the look to the board walk.


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