More encounter mapping today. As any good action movie, we want a climax at the end, a real big fight with many tactical options.

The final mansion should be nice, or have once been nice. So, first we start to create a nice, large mansion like stair case to the front door, the ones who built this had class.


We use our shadow overlays that we have used so many times before, but there is something missing, rails.

Rails are difficult to create in Dundjinni for us who cannot draw. Others, with artistic skills can draw then free hand and they look really good.

So, we start Cheetah3D today again, to create some stair case railings. We start out with a cylinder object this time.


We will use this for the actual railing, and to do this, we change the shape of it to look like this.


Now, we change the view to flat, frontal view, and create a new spline, and create something that looks like the contour of the pillar we want to support the railing.


We use the Lathe tool to turn this into a 360 filled object, like this:


We stretch it a little, looking too fat, and then we use the array tool to make a line of these with an equal distance between them.


So, we are onto something here, a railing, but one small problem, this one is flat. So, we use another modifier, and twist the pillars, then rotate the group and the railing, to look like this:


Now, this looks really good. Remember, this will be on a battle map, so small details wont show up. We need something at the lower end of the railing, so we add a box and reshape it.


And we can add a little sphere on top of that, to get a little classy look.


Now, we create a marble texture, using the built in marble in Cheetah3D, it is good enough for this. For the end pillar and the sphere, we add a rusty metal texture.

The result, after added shadows looks like this.


And the stair case with railings in place


We adjust them a little, and mirror it for the left side.


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