OK, we jump directly into the dungeon door filter making today.

So, we open up  the filter from yesterday in FilterForge.

Now, we create a Perlin Noise component, and feed the output from yesterdays Elevation Gradient into the Background input, and the output from the Switch (where we choose light or dark rings) to the Noise input.

This is the setup for the Perlin Noise, using a small Scale, and the profile is fed from a Wave component.

This is the Wave component for the profile, to get small strokes or lines of noise.

And this is the setup of the Wave component. The parameter we have changed is the Shape, set to -80.

As a finishing touch, we add a Noise Distortion to the chain, adding a little extra random distortion to the wood.

And as you can see, we have mapped the Distortion input to a slider, with a remapping value set to be between 0 and 9, so that we still have a wood, not porridge in the mixer.

And this is a preview of the wood structure with the default settings, I think will be a good start.

Next episode


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